Don't get too excited about GPT-4! OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has a warning – people who expect to be amazed by it may soon find themselves disappointed.

Posted Jan 18, 2023, 8:55 AM

In a recent interview, Altman sparked excitement about the mysterious GPT-4 but declined to say if it would debut this year. Nevertheless, speculation is mounting as to what secrets may be unveiled when (and if) the model finally does get released!

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has stoked the flames surrounding GPT-4 — their upcoming AI language model and the latest entry in the acclaimed ChatGPT series. However, despite expectations growing high with anticipation for its release, he warns that people should temper those hopes: "People may be desperate to try out our newest creation, but they will certainly leave disappointed."

Richard Altman, CEO of OpenAI, recently weighed in on the much-anticipated GPT-4 algorithm's release date. His response? It'll happen whenever they “trust that it won't take over the world” and are deemed fit to unleash it upon society! We only have a few more clicks of safety protocols before getting our hands (and keyboards) on this new technology!

GPT-3 made waves in tech circles when it dropped back in 2020, so the hype is reaching a fever pitch with Silicon Valley and AI fanatics counting down eagerly to GPT 4's launch. Already they've started speculating wildly on what this revolutionary new model can do and its parameter count - an indicator of complexity that loosely corresponds to capability, though not necessarily linearly! All these predictions have become quite the meme, given their ambitious nature.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was unimpressed by the viral yet factually inaccurate chart comparing GPT-3 and GPT-4, calling it "complete bullshit"! Not amused with this unfounded comparison, Altman had a response: “The GPT-4 rumor mill is ridiculous. People are begging to be disappointed—hoping for OpenAI’s AGI... little do they know there's nothing here but crumbs!”

Video-generating AI models are coming, says Altman

Do you ever feel like your life could use more video? Well, if Sam Altman from OpenAI is to be believed, we may soon get our wish! He recently mentioned that the team at Open AI is working on creating their AGI-powered tool for generating videos. So it looks like Meta and Google have already made a start in this area - now it's just time to sit back and wait until the venture entirely comes alive!

When asked about generative video AI, Sam Altman had a pessimistic yet realistic outlook. While companies and researchers are putting in the hard work to try their hand at it, no one can confidently predict when we'll experience success with this endeavor - just that it's "a legitimate research project." To watch the full interview for yourself (with part two diving deep into OpenAI & general artificial intelligence), check out these videos! We've also compiled some of Mr.Altman's most thought-provoking statements below...

  • On the money OpenAI is currently making: “Not much. We’re very early.”
  • On the need for AI with different viewpoints: “The world can say, ‘Okay, here are the rules; here are the comprehensive absolute rules of a system.’ But within that, people should be allowed very different things they want their AI to do. So if you want the super never-offend, safe-for-work model, you should get that, and if you want an edgier one that is creative and exploratory but says some stuff you might not be comfortable with, or some people might not be satisfied with, you should get that.
  • AndIthinkkmanysystems worldwided will have different settings for the values they enforce. And really what I think — but this will take longer — is that you, as a user, should be able to write up a few pages of ‘here’s what I want; here are my values; here’s how I want the AI to behave’ and it reads it and thinks about it and acts exactly how you want because it should be your AI.”

Generated text is something we all need to adapt to, and that’s fine.”

From AI's regurgitating sexism and racism to OpenAI trying to mitigate the bias, it appears that generated text is here for us all - whether we're ready or not! And it seems some conservatives aren't happy with this new concept either. They've even accused ChatGPT of having an agenda because its responses are so "woke." Ah, well – it looks like adaptation is our only answer now!

  • As AI becomes more integrated into our lives and education, we cannot ignore the threat of plagiarism with copy-and-paste technology. To stay ahead of this curve in the short term, there are ways teachers can deter it, but no system is foolproof - instead, educators need to adapt their expectations; just as calculators changed what maths classes tested for, so too will facing a generation whose answers may come from machines require us all to change. The upshot? These advances have potential benefits that could be bigger than before!
  • On his use of ChatGPT: “I would much rather have ChatGPT teach me something than go read a textbook.”
  • On how far we are from developing AGI: “The closer we get, the harder time I have answers. Because I think it’s going to be much blurrier and much more of a gradual transition than people think.”

Don't be too quick to put the nail in Google's search engine coffin; while new technologies like ChatGPT are certainly game-changing, they may not overthrow a dominant giant as quickly or easily as some would predict. Luckily for us, the people at Big G will likely devise clever strategies and countermoves to keep them atop their throne!

Original link👉 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on GPT-4: ‘people are begging to be disappointed and they will be’ - The Verg

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